Do you currently have an online business venture? Then listen carefully, from this very hour you ought to start including localized content into your website, for it will do wonders, with regards to your SEO campaign. It is a hidden secret that's been kept under wraps for a long, long time. This is the one and only way to boost you search engine optimization campaign.
So why is localized content so vital for any SEO campaign? Recently, the commentator of Search Engine Watch, Ray Comstock explained that Bing and Google have currently made localization an extremely large part of their ranking algorithms. Every web owner and SEO service agency needs to be in tune and in touch with this latest update.
Ray Comstock went on to say that, “this strategy is especially important if a company is appealing to users living in specific cities”. He even stated that,
"It's very important to create content and link connectivity that sends the right signals to the search engines, telling them your site is relevant for users in those geographies."
Just last month, Google launched the “Place Search”, a new service that highlights data about local businesses, which are related to a user's search query. Right now it is being rolled out across the world. So get in touch with a great SEO agency and do the needful to stay ahead of the game.
So why is localized content so vital for any SEO campaign? Recently, the commentator of Search Engine Watch, Ray Comstock explained that Bing and Google have currently made localization an extremely large part of their ranking algorithms. Every web owner and SEO service agency needs to be in tune and in touch with this latest update.
Ray Comstock went on to say that, “this strategy is especially important if a company is appealing to users living in specific cities”. He even stated that,
"It's very important to create content and link connectivity that sends the right signals to the search engines, telling them your site is relevant for users in those geographies."
Just last month, Google launched the “Place Search”, a new service that highlights data about local businesses, which are related to a user's search query. Right now it is being rolled out across the world. So get in touch with a great SEO agency and do the needful to stay ahead of the game.
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